As I've said before I am so lucky to have an extended family that is large. My Mom is one of 5 and over the years my cousins and I have spent many, many good times together. My maternal Grandma has 5 children, 19 grandchildren (including their spouces), and 9 great-great grandchildren with one more on the way! Needless to say we're a big, loud, happy, funny, family. When my cousins and I were smaller it was much easier to get together for anything, now that most of us are married and soon all of us will be there are so many more schedules to consider. What we do each year in the summer is all collect at my Uncle's house, and have our own Reunion. We spend most of the day swimming in his pool, eating, d
In this picture there are from top to bottom; Lemon Squares and Chocolate Cream Cheese Brownies.
All the squares were such a big hit that I didn't bring many home with me!! One of my cousins has a peanut allergy so that is why I placed some of the squares on one tray and some more on another to ensure that he could at least have some dessert.