Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fisherman Cake

I was asked to make a 3rd birthday cake for a young man who loves fishing as much as his Dad, almost immediately I pictured this cake. I was hoping and praying that I would be able to pull it off! I've become a big fan of "Cake Boss" on TLC and I figured if those crazy Italian men could do it why not me??

I got the cake made up and I was so excited about it, it turned out just as I wanted it to! Then when I had it done, I hoped Dane would be OK that the man in the boat was a bit older than he is, but I figured it would be OK because at the end of the day.....it's a fisherman cake!!

Happy Birthday Dane!!

Meta Centre

In September I was lucky to begin working for a fantastic company. They are an organization that supports young & mature adults with Developmental Handicaps. This is the field that I went to College for a few years ago, and since moving back into the Region of Durham I have not been able to find a job. I was working as a school bus driver for a large company, and it was a great job that suited me well for the place I was in at the time.

A good friend of mine that I had lost touch with since graduating college and had recently regained contact with, thanks to Facebook, had told me that her employer was hiring. So I put my name in and the rest they say, is history.

The company I work for is called "meta centre". We have some openings for young adults who have or will be graduating from High School, and would like to continue their skill development or perhaps find employment in the community. Anyway, we recently held an Open House to let the schools in the area know where we are, and what we offer. Since my Supervisor knew of my passion for all things "sweet" she asked me to bake a cake for the party. We felt it would be best to keep it simple for the event, to avoid any allergy conflicts. The one thing we didn't consider was anyone who was a Diabetic, but they were great sports about it and just didn't eat too much of the icing! The cake was a simple white cake with white buttercream icing both in the middle and on the top. I wrote our name and logo in our colours on the cake as well. It got rave reviews, from our staff, visitors, and clients. I look forward to making many more in the future!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cookies, Cookies, Cookies!

I saw some lovely women on a cooking show a few weeks ago and they inspired me! They make up cookies in all shapes and sizes, with lots of extra touches which make each cookie unique and special to the buyer.

My nephew's Birthday party was coming up soon so I asked my sister if I could make up some cookies for the loot bags, which she very quickly said yes to! I was so excited I rushed off to the store and got all the stuff I needed and got busy. I had so much fun making them up, each cookie was something new I could decorate it to whatever style I wanted. I used nice bright colours for the icing and got some adorable sprinkles and decorations to make them special.

Just before Easter my friend asked me if I could make her up some Easter cookies for her to give away to her family. I got out my pastel icing colours and set down to work. I wrapped each cookie in a clear plastic Easter themed bag and they were perfect.

My Best friend asked me to make up her Birthday cake this year. She has the pleasure of sharing her birthday with her youngest daughter, they also share a love of all things Disney! So there really was no other cake that could possibly be made for the two of them, but Tinkerbell! She asked for a Banana Cake, since that was their favorite. I had made plenty of Banana Breads over the years, but I have never made up a Banana Cake. I got out my recipe books, went to the Library and searched the net and found a good recipe that I wanted to use. Since I had never made the recipe before I made it up into Cupcakes, which were fantastic, so I knew it would work out wonderfully as a cake.

I went to my local store and picked out the cake pan I'd need and got started. Once I got ready to ice it, I have to admit that I was nervous about it. Her eyes are such a huge part of the cake, and I wanted to get it just right-and perfect. I think I got it just right judging by the expression on the Birthday Girls face when they saw it!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Nephew's Baptism Cake

I recently had the honour of making my newest Nephew's Baptism cake. My sister-in-law asked me to make it Chocolate with Orange Buttercream filling. It was delicious!! This is the second Baptism cake I've had the honour of making, and I look forward to many, many more.