Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Best friend asked me to make up her Birthday cake this year. She has the pleasure of sharing her birthday with her youngest daughter, they also share a love of all things Disney! So there really was no other cake that could possibly be made for the two of them, but Tinkerbell! She asked for a Banana Cake, since that was their favorite. I had made plenty of Banana Breads over the years, but I have never made up a Banana Cake. I got out my recipe books, went to the Library and searched the net and found a good recipe that I wanted to use. Since I had never made the recipe before I made it up into Cupcakes, which were fantastic, so I knew it would work out wonderfully as a cake.

I went to my local store and picked out the cake pan I'd need and got started. Once I got ready to ice it, I have to admit that I was nervous about it. Her eyes are such a huge part of the cake, and I wanted to get it just right-and perfect. I think I got it just right judging by the expression on the Birthday Girls face when they saw it!

1 comment:

TracyKM said...

That's awesome! I did a Cinderella one for Lucy's 5th birthday (I think there's pictures on one of my blogs, LOL). By the time I got to the eyes, I was exhausted. I just wanted to put an eye patch on her and say she was blinded by the Prince's handsomeness!